21st December - Christmas Concert 3:00pm - 5:30pm
16th October - Adult Mini Meet at the teaching Studio, Cleveleys, 6:00-8:00pm
October - Harry Potter Practice Time Competition and online fancy dress Halloween Performance competion
Optional Summer Course for current students - during the holidays between July 29th and August 21st (a block of four lessons £64).
21st July - Sunday Summer Concert at Kings Church, Bispham Road, Blackpool FY2 OLB - 2:30pm - 4:30pm
28th February - Adult Mini Meet at the teaching Studio, Cleveleys, 6:00-8:00pm
8th January - Start of Term 2A
December 16th - Christmas Concert 3:00pm - 5:00pm
November 26th - Lindsay and David attended ‘Concert Grand and Upright Piano Tuning and Preparation Training’, at the Bechstein Center, in partnership with the Pianoforte Tuners’ Association.
October - Harry Potter Practice Time Competition and online fancy dress Halloween Performance competition.
October - David, completed a 5 day Yamaha Grand Piano Yepta Training course and exam.
August 31st - Lindsay, completed Yamaha Piano tuning training and exam.
July 23rd - End of Year Summer Concert, 3pm - 5pm at Kings Church, Blackpool
June 28th - Adult Piano Meet Up 6:30-8:30pm at the Cleveleys Studio.
March 29th - World Piano Day - Adult Piano Meet Up, 6:30-8:30pm.
23rd December - Christmas Piano Meet Up at Michael Hall Theatre School.
31st October - Online fancy dress Halloween Concert
15th October - The winning team for our Halloween Practice Competition will be announced!
3rd September - Free Open Day, in Cleveleys. 20 minute taster sessions available
14th August - Piano Players Meet-up 2pm-5pm at Michael Hall Theatre School, 19 Preston Old Road, Marton, FY3 9PR
25th July - 27th August - 5 week Summer Course
27th March - Mother's Day Online Concert
7th June - Disney and Film Themes
5th July - Baroque, Classical and Romantic Concert
19th July - Free and Easy End of Year Talent Competition
31st October - Online fancy dress and piano performance competition
25th December - Online fancy dress and piano performance competition (Facebook for more details)
12th April - Return to in person lessons at L Garvin Studio, St. John Vianney and Michael Hall Theatre School.
Victoria Pre Grade 1 Exams
July 19th - 30th August 6 week summer course
July - Lindsay’s graduated with Masters in Music, with Distinction.
25th - December - Online Christmas Concert
Wednesday 4th March - ABRSM Theory Exams - Hodgson Academy (time to be arranged)
Sunday 22nd March - 4pm - Spring Concert at Michael Hall Theatre School
Wednesday 25th March - Brian House mixed Concert - 6pm - 8pm
1 - 8th October - ARSM Remote Performance Grades
6th November - WE HAVE MOVED! L Garvin Teaching Studio has moved to 4 Crescent West, Cleveleys FY5 1AD